俄罗斯冻爪进口报关注意事项 1、客户进口的产品及资料需要提供给我司审核,我司会安排做进口国内的中文标签。 2、进口的产地证、卫生证等资料,按照我司提供的版本办理。保持进口其他资料一致,避免客户因资料对不上等问题到时延迟清关手续时间。 3、客户在选择进口清关公司,不要一味相信相关的口岸人脉关系是不可取的。要选择专业的代理公司作为清关后盾,从而降低进出口风险。 2. The imported certificate of origin, health certificate and other information shall be handled according to the version provided by our company. Keep the consistency of other imported materials to avoid the delay of customs clearance due to the poor quality of materials. 3. When customers choose import customs clearance companies, do not blindly believe that the relevant port contact relationship is not desirable. We should choose a professional agent company as the backing of customs clearance, so as to reduce the risk of import and export. 李经理 专注于进口的物流师 在进口清关的过程中遇到任何问题,都可咨询我,免费为您提供专业解答。15年专业进口清关团队竭诚为您服务 上海|宁波|昆山|深圳|广州|厦门|成都|天津|青岛|北京|大连|全国网点服务 In the process of import customs clearance, you can consult me and provide you with professional answers free of charge. 15 years of professional import customs clearance team dedicated to serve you Shanghai, Ningbo, Kunshan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Chengdu, Tianjin, Qingdao, Beijing, Dalian, national network service