西班牙猪肉进口报关公司 1.入境后,至结关地所在检验检疫机构报检并取得通关单 2.调离至查验点现场查验 3.采样与否要看现场情况,若是采样,则送到实验室检测 4.调离至备案冷库,在《采样批流向》内申报货物流向 5.检测结果出来后,将不合格货物封存、进行整改,然后等待网上放行指令 6.网上指令出现后,将合格产品调离出库,《入境货物检验检疫证明》,终销售、使用 7.若网上指令显示不合格产品,则《不合格处理通知书》《卫生证书》,终退运或者销毁处理 8.无论合格或是不合格产品,都必须在终处理后在《采样批流向》内上报购销记录 1. After entering the country, go to the inspection and quarantine institution where the customs clearance place is located to apply for inspection and obtain the customs clearance form 2. Transfer to inspection point for on-site inspection 3. Sampling depends on the site conditions. If sampling, it shall be sent to the laboratory for testing 4. Transfer to the cold storage for record and declare the flow of goods in the flow direction of sampling batch 5. After the test results come out, seal and rectify the unqualified goods, and then wait for the online release instruction 6. After the online instruction appears, transfer the qualified products out of the warehouse, the certificate of inspection and Quarantine of imported goods, and finally sell and use them 7. If the online instruction shows the unqualified products, the notice of unqualified treatment and health certificate will be sent back or destroyed 8. No matter whether the products are qualified or unqualified, the purchase and sales records must be reported in the flow direction of sampling batch after final treatment 李国杰(经理) 专注于进口的物流师 在进口清关的过程中遇到任何问题,都可咨询我,免费为您提供专业解答。15年专业进口清关团队竭诚为您服务 上海|宁波|昆山|深圳|广州|厦门|成都|天津|青岛|北京|大连|全国网点服务 In the process of import customs clearance, you can consult me and provide you with professional answers free of charge. 15 years of professional import customs clearance team dedicated to serve you Shanghai, Ningbo, Kunshan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Chengdu, Tianjin, Qingdao, Beijing, Dalian, national network service