西班牙猪肉进口报关资料 进口报关报检需提供“自动进口许可z”和其它所需资料如下: 1.代理合同、销售合同、invoice、装箱单各一式三份。 2, 中文标签及原标签电子版。原标签翻译件。(或中文标签预备案证明书) 3.出口国官方卫生z 4. 出口国官方产地z 5.厂家成分分析说明 6. 熏蒸证/无木质包装声明 7.海运/空运提单。 8.其它各口岸管理机构要求提供的单证。 3. Official health Z (or free sale certificate or health certificate) of the exporting country 4. Official origin of exporting country Z 5. Manufacturer's composition analysis description 6. Fumigation certificate / statement of no wooden package 7. Sea / air waybill. 8. Documents required by other port administrations. 李国杰(经理) 专注于进口的物流师 在进口清关的过程中遇到任何问题,都可咨询我,免费为您提供专业解答。15年专业进口清关团队竭诚为您服务 上海|宁波|昆山|深圳|广州|厦门|成都|天津|青岛|北京|大连|全国网点服务 In the process of import customs clearance, you can consult me and provide you with professional answers free of charge. 15 years of professional import customs clearance team dedicated to serve you Shanghai, Ningbo, Kunshan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Chengdu, Tianjin, Qingdao, Beijing, Dalian, national network service